This Episode is Elite... and Rez, and Advance Wars!
It's a triple header this time on the BLG Podcast as we limp ever closer to that 100th game on the list! We're looking three titles that really have no connection other than us not having much to say about them. They are Elite (21), Rez (84) and Advance Wars (93).
We also talk about the two biggest bombshells to drop in the gaming world over the past week (hint: one of them is Pokemon related, and the other one is FAR bigger...)
You may be curious why at one point in the podcast Eddie randomly starts laughing without any real context. Well, if you want to know the full story (and it's even more hilarious than it really deserves to be) we'll be putting the unedited, unfettered audio on our Patreon... so if that has piqued your interest head over there and sign up now!
Huge thanks to our sponsors for this episode; Woodland Health & Wellbeing!
Woodland aim to help people be the best version of themselves through one-on-one mentoring, meal planning, help with exercise plans and general advice and support.
They work with BODi, and offer various products from the Shakeology range and online workout videos - everything you need to keep both physically and mentally fit in an increasingly busy world.
What's more, they have even created a FREE gaming themed Wellness Journal and planner exclusively for our listeners!
Just reach out to Joanna on Facebook or Instagram to find out how they can help you, and grab your free planner. Just make sure to tell her that the Bucket List Gamers sent you!
Thanks to our monthly supporters
We also talk about the two biggest bombshells to drop in the gaming world over the past week (hint: one of them is Pokemon related, and the other one is FAR bigger...)
You may be curious why at one point in the podcast Eddie randomly starts laughing without any real context. Well, if you want to know the full story (and it's even more hilarious than it really deserves to be) we'll be putting the unedited, unfettered audio on our Patreon... so if that has piqued your interest head over there and sign up now!
Huge thanks to our sponsors for this episode; Woodland Health & Wellbeing!
Woodland aim to help people be the best version of themselves through one-on-one mentoring, meal planning, help with exercise plans and general advice and support.
They work with BODi, and offer various products from the Shakeology range and online workout videos - everything you need to keep both physically and mentally fit in an increasingly busy world.
What's more, they have even created a FREE gaming themed Wellness Journal and planner exclusively for our listeners!
Just reach out to Joanna on Facebook or Instagram to find out how they can help you, and grab your free planner. Just make sure to tell her that the Bucket List Gamers sent you!
- Ashley Toyer
- TheDoctor1812
- ZomBev
- Harry Flynn
- RicFlair
- lee jones
- thesweatyllama